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en itde


In cooperation with PostAuto Graubünden, the company Autoservizi Silvestri guarantees the bus service on the route Livigno – Zernez (and return) all year round: 6 times a day in the winter and 8 times a day in the summer season. In addition, only in the summer, the bus service on the route Livigno – Pontresina/St.Moritz (and return). Starting from June 2015 it will be active the bus service also on the route Livigno - Poschiavo (and return) 2 times a day in the summer period.
With this new daily service, our passengers will be connected in Europe and in the whole Switzerland. In addition, our passengers coming from Livigno and Alta Valtellina will be able to plan with us their day excursions into the famous regions Engadine and Vinschgau, travelling through the Swiss National Park.
 On each bus we can guarantee the transport of bikes and skies: our passengers can discover and enjoy the nature – biking or skiing, but travelling by bus and train.
A reservation is requested for groups and/or bike transport, using the form enclosed. Please make sure that you check the timetable before you make your reservation.
Do not forget your ID, when travelling over the border.

ATTENTION: on SATURDAY the timetables are subject to change.
SATURDAYS Departures from Livigno at 8:00 - 9:00 - 12:00 - 14:00 - 18:00
SATURDAYS Departures from Zernez at 9:40 - 11:10 - 13:10 - 15:10 - 17:10 - 19:10

linea zernEZ


Booking enquiry

Direction bus *
Bus stop *
Consulta orari
Passenger *
Personal data
Direction bus *
Bus stop *
Consulta orari
Passenger *
Personal data
Direction bus *
Bus stop *
Consulta orari
Passenger *
Personal data
All public transports in the Engadine are ruled by the Swiss transport association (Tarifverbund). These Swiss tickets are valid on the bus routes Zernez-Livigno and Pontresina-Livigno: GA, HALB TAX, BÜGA and much more. Scheduled timetable and connections follow the official Swiss Railways timetable: for any additional information please check the homepage WWW.SBB.CH or send us the enclosed form.

Find connections
and timetable

Connections and timetable

Situation of the service
AUTOSERVIZI SILVESTRI S.r.l. - Unipersonale - Via Dala Gesa, 265/E - 23030 Livigno (SO) Tel. +39 0342 996283 - Fax +39 0342 996855 C.F. e Reg Impr. di Sondrio n. 92020680143
R.E.A. n. SO-65757 - P IVA 00872200142 - Cap sociale Euro 50.000,00 interamente versati - E-Mail