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en itde


The company Autoservizi Silvestri has been developing its standards through the years, reaching the goals set by the management. In October 2002 obtained the quality certification UNI EN ISO 9001 and in November 2014 obteined the certification UNI EN ISO 14001 (only for Airport services in Lombardy).
politica qualita' (italian version)

politica ambientale (italian version)
AUTOSERVIZI SILVESTRI S.r.l. - Unipersonale - Via Dala Gesa, 265/E - 23030 Livigno (SO) Tel. +39 0342 996283 - Fax +39 0342 996855 C.F. e Reg Impr. di Sondrio n. 92020680143
R.E.A. n. SO-65757 - P IVA 00872200142 - Cap sociale Euro 50.000,00 interamente versati - E-Mail