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en itde

Mobility Charter

The Mobility Charter is the document that governs the relationship between the companies that offer the service of public transport users and citizens who benefit from them, thus offering even greater assurance of compliance with the obligations imposed by the client. It stems from a process regulated by specific provisions of law, the objective of which is to improve year by year, the quality of the services provided and the relationship between the territory and the company providing the services.
mobility charter 2024
*italian version
AUTOSERVIZI SILVESTRI S.r.l. - Unipersonale - Via Dala Gesa, 265/E - 23030 Livigno (SO) Tel. +39 0342 996283 - Fax +39 0342 996855 C.F. e Reg Impr. di Sondrio n. 92020680143
R.E.A. n. SO-65757 - P IVA 00872200142 - Cap sociale Euro 50.000,00 interamente versati - E-Mail